Tongue And Lip Ties
Overview and Reference Guide
Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS aka Tongue-Tie)
Comprehensive Overview of Tongue and Lip Ties
We believe education is key to making fully informed decisions about the care of your growing family. The IBCLC's at Milk Diva are ready to equip and navigate families through all the stages of infant feeding and oral habilitation.
Milk Diva's Tongue-Tie Quick Reference
To ensure your safety and quality of care
Releasing the boat from the dock alone, cannot make it sail.
-Autumn R. Henning SLP, COM, IBCLC
Breastfeeding Symptoms
Tongue-ties or oral restrictions cannot be diagnosed just based on pictures or symptoms alone. A full functional and structural evaluation is required.
Mother’s Symptoms
Painful nursing
Creased or flattened nipples
Blistered or cut nipples
Incomplete breast drainage
Plugged ducts or mastitis
Inability to nurse without using a nipple shield
Decreased milk supply
Baby’s Symptoms
Poor latch
Poor weight gain
Reflux or frequent spitting up
Frequent gassiness and fussiness
Clicking or smacking noises when eating
Dribbling milk out of mouth
Frustration when eating
Inability to hold a pacifier
Prolonged nursing or bottle-feeding sessions
Mouth breathing
Who knew so many of these symptoms could be related to oral restrictions?
Pieces of the TOTs Puzzle
Parental & Provider Educational Videos
Tongue & Lip Ties
Unraveling the Confusing & Conflicting Information
Parental Videos
Provider Videos
Tongue-Ties & Babies Presentation for Parents is presented by Dr. Richard Baxter, DMD, MS, of Alabama Tongue-Tie Center, is one of our country's nationally recognized speakers on tongue-ties, instructor of the course Tongue-Tied Academy, and author of the best-selling book Tongue-Tied: How a Tiny String Under the Tongue Impacts Nursing, Speech, Feeding, and More.​
Dr. Bobby Ghaheri discusses why the mid and posterior part of the tongue is vital to achieve optimal breastfeeding. He also discusses proper post release wound management.
Collaborative Care
For Optimal Outcomes
One of the biggest misunderstandings about frenectomies is that the actual procedure is all that is needed to “fix” a baby with tongue tie
The Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) at Milk Diva believe in an integrative, and collaborative approach to achieve long-term, optimal oral function.
The goal when treating ties is to restore optimal oral function; however, in many cases, in addition to the frenectomy, the parents and the child will need the help of multiple specialists to prepare for the procedure and work with the baby afterward in order to fully achieve their goal.
Ear, Nose & Throat MD
Oral Surgeon
Craniosacral Therapist (CST)
Pediatric Chiropractor (DC)
Physical Therapist (PT)
Release Provider
Body Worker
Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)
Occupational Therapist (OT)
Finding the right help is important. Asking the right questions is key.
There are many types of providers that fall under each broad category, but the MOST important quality to look for, no matter which type of provider, is they are specifically trained in the problems and solutions related to ties and oral dysfunction - this means they have taken EXTRA education in these areas.
Do not assume these types of providers automatically know about ties and oral dysfunction. ASK if they have had specialized training before booking an appointment. A good place to start is with a specially trained International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Speech Therapist/ Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) or Occupational Therapist (OT). Any one of these professionals can identify ties and help find the best bodyworkers and release providers for your baby.